Learn More About Islam

"Who Killed Andrea?"


It was a sunny spring day in May, when Italian Andre Cazola woke up excited and happy.  Today is the day of the match that had been booked months prior.  The European Cup final between Liverpool and  Juventus! The first thing he glanced at when he opened his eyes, was the uniform of his team hung neatly behind his room door. He had bought the uniform months ago and wanted to wear it on an important occasion… like today.  He reached under his bed to feel the floor. Then a smile appeared on his face, as his hand touched the new shoes, which he had bought only yesterday, along with a long pair of socks that reached his knees. Everything is ready… It will be a great day! I forgot to tell you two things though  Number 1- Andre was only 11 years old.  Number 2- he was killed inside the stadium that day.  On the tenth of January, 630 AD, the Islamic army, led by the Prophet Muhammad Ibn Abdullah (Peace and Blessings be upon him) entered Makkah, conquering the city and destroying its idols… It was the day of their greatest victory… And as a sign of this victory, a man ascended to the top of the Kaaba and raised the call to prayer!   Before I reveal to you two astonishing points about this moment, it is important to mention that Islam was revealed to the Arabs in a place called ‘the Arabian Peninsula’, and the language of the Quran is Arabic. Also, the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him.. and most of the Muslims “at that time”, were pure Arabs…. and most importantly, their pride in their Arabism was and still is a huge part of their identity.  Now for the first surprise: The one who raised the call to prayer in that historic moment, was not an Arab… but an Abyssinian!  Abyssinians are not Arabs…  That man’s name was Bilal Ibn Rabah.  I’ll tell you the second amazing piece of information in a moment, but first let me give you a fictitious scenario. A person [...] ...

Sports In Islam

Sports in Islam

It is literally impossible to find a subject on which Islam has no ruling. Let’s take sports as an example The Messenger of God, peace be upon him, said: “A strong believer is better and more beloved to gad than a weak believer, and in both there is good.” Going to the gym to exercise your biceps, triceps, or mastering your bench press, with the intention of becoming a better, stronger, and more capable Muslim for God’s sake ..is – an act of worship in Islam. A daily 20 minute track routine with the same intention.. keeps you in a state of worship and seeking closeness to God. 45 minutes … increases your reward from God even more. This is because worship in Islam is not just prayer and meditation.. It is a comprehensive term which entails every single thing that God loves and is pleased with. And God loves for Muslims to take care of their health. Also, the Prophet Mohamed said: “Your body has a right over you”  and your body’s right is that you keep it in its best condition… through proper nutrition, exercise, etc. But if you spend your life eating pizza and McDonald’s with liters of sugars and salts in the form of carbonated water… Soon enough, those destructive habits will take a toll on your health, and your whole eating pattern will fall within the scope of…haram. (Meaning forbidden by God) That is why the Prophet, Peace be upon him, said: “The son of Adam doesn’t fill a vessel more to his detriment… than his stomach.” And for Muslims, the Sunnah of the Prophet to be followed is not only from his statements… but also from his actions For example, The Prophet, Peace be upon him, used to participate in horse and camel racing. He also, encouraged boys to race on foot, and would reward the winners. Regarding the sport of archery, he said, “Verily! Strength is in archery” Also, when he passed by boys learning archery, he praised them. Islam encourages strengthening the body and acquiring skills to lead a better life… [...] ...