QatarWorld Cup 2022

Welcome , you are in a Muslim country .. Muslims believe in the last religion that was revealed to humanity through prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and still preserved in the Quran.

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What do Muslims believe in?

Islam is the last Abrahamic religion, revealed to humanity through the Prophet Mohamed peace be upon Him. Islam recognizes all previous prophets and messengers of God (Including Moses and Jesus). Islam provides you with answers to all fundamental questions abou why do you exist on this earth, how to live a happy and fulfilling life, and enter an eternal paradise in the after life.

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Sports In Islam

Sports in Islam

It is literally impossible to find a subject on which Islam has no ruling. Let’s take sports as an example The Messenger of God, peace be upon him, said: “A strong believer is better and more beloved to gad than a weak believer, and in both there is good.” Going to the gym to exercise your biceps, triceps, or mastering your bench press, with the intention of becoming a better, stronger, and more capable Muslim for God’s sake – an act of worship in Islam. A daily 20 minute track routine with the same intention.. keeps you in a state of worship and seeking closeness to God. 45 minutes … increases your reward from God even more. This is because worship in Islam is not just prayer and meditation.. It is a comprehensive term which entails every single thing that God loves and is pleased with. And God loves for Muslims to take care of their health. Also, the Prophet Mohamed said: “Your body has a right over you”  and your body’s right is that you keep it in its best condition… through proper nutrition, exercise, etc. But if you spend your life eating pizza and McDonald’s with liters of sugars and salts in the form of carbonated water… Soon enough, those destructive habits will take a toll on your health, and your whole eating pattern will fall within the scope of…haram. (Meaning forbidden by God) That is why the Prophet, Peace be upon him, said: “The son of Adam doesn’t fill a vessel more to his detriment… than his stomach.” And for Muslims, the Sunnah of the Prophet to be followed is not only from his statements… but also from his actions For example, The Prophet, Peace be upon him, used to participate in horse and camel racing. He also, encouraged boys to race on foot, and would reward the winners. Regarding the sport of archery, he said, “Verily! Strength is in archery” Also, when he passed by boys learning archery, he praised them. Islam encourages strengthening the body and acquiring skills to lead a better life… [...] ...


A Brief Guide To Islam and Muslims

Islam is a complete way of life combining both the spiritual aspects of the belief and the method which I can follow in my life. Islam is not only a belief… it is a belief and teachings to follow… It is a way of life. The Islamic belief is simple and clear, but it is also complies with the human disposition, as in Islam there is no mediation between humans and their Lord… The Lord hears and sees everything. You can just raise your hands to the sky and supplication to Him.. Ask for His forgiveness and mercy. I do not have to go to someone in specific for that, and I do not have to go to some place for that… This is A Brief Guide To Islam and Muslims: The Islamic Belief is simple and clear, it can be summarized in six points: First: The belief in God There is only one God He neither begets nor is born There is nothing like Him He has neither son nor wife… He is The Almighty, The Omnipotent… The All-Knowing .. The All-Merciful.. Second: The belief in His Angels… They are created from light by Almighty Allah and obey His commands. Third: The belief in His Books, that ended with the Holy Qur’an, which Allah has preserved from any distortion. Fourth: The belief in all the Messengers and Prophets of God… The last of them is Muhammad, Peace Be upon Him. Fifth: The belief in the Day of Judgment, when all people shall be accountable for what they did in this worldly life. Sixth: The belief in God’s Divine Decree and Predestination. There are five Pillars of Islam that a Muslim should fulfill: First: Testimony of Faith… I bear witness that there is no deity worthy of Worship except Allah, and that Muhammad is His Messenger. Second: Salah, which are the five daily obligatory prayers. Third: Zakah, which is a form of alms-giving to the poor. Fourth: Fasting the month of Ramadan each year. Fifth: Hajj, which is the annual pilgrimage to Makkah which should be made once in the [...] ...

Who is Muhammad, peace be upon him?

Who is Muhammad, peace be upon him?

He is a human, not a demigod, nor a son of God. He himself said he was human: “I am a human like you” (related by Al-Bukhari [401] and Muslim [573]) ,and as God ordered him to, he informed people of this: “Say: ‘I am but a human being like yourselves. It has been revealed to me that your God is the One and only God. Hence, whoever expects to meet his Lord [on Judgement Day], let him do what is right, and in the worship due to his Lord admit no one as partner.” (Quran 18: 110) But he is the most influential human being in the history of humanity. We have received a full documentation of his life. No documentation of any other person’s life in history approaches his in accuracy and comprehensiveness. If anyone wants to attack 1.7 billion human beings he attacks him first, and if a Muslim wants to call people to Islam he begins by telling his life story. He is a man who was born in the 6th century AD but his influence still exists today in every corner of the world.   He is a man who fought battles in which he received head injuries, and his front teeth were broken, yet he was a model of modesty. He is the one who was victorious in most of the wars he fought against his enemies and at the same time the one whose most bitter enemies came to believe in his message. He was the one who, with his followers, was subjected to savage oppression and torture, and when he was victorious and gained absolute power over his enemies, pardoned most of them. He was the one brought up in an ignorant society where stones and trees were worshipped, which indulged in every vice, ….  But he never tasted alcohol, gambled or fornicated. When the words “the honest and trustworthy” referred to a particular person those who heard them knew that they referred to Muhammad, peace be upon him. He was the man who believed in Jesus, peace be upon him, and whose [...] ...


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