Do you know what is the Quran?
The Qur’an is the only book which is memorised in full, from cover to cover, by millions of people. Should all copies of the Qur’an totally disappear, it will remain in existence, immune to distortion and alteration. What is amazing is that this is mentioned in the Qur’an, as God says: ‘It is We Ourselves who have bestowed this reminder from on high, and it is We who shall preserve it intact’. Qur’an (15: 9) The Qur’an is not merely a discourse attributed to God. Nor is it a set of concepts God wished to give to humans and allowed Muhammad to express them in his own style. Definitely not! The Qur’an is God’s own word. Therefore, it is free of even the slightest error. How can error creep into it when it is the word of God who combines absolute perfection with faultless knowledge? Across the centuries, Muslims studied the Qur’an in depth, but they continue to discover its linguistic and legislative treasures. Indeed, new avenues of knowledge have been based on the Qur’an. The Qur’an includes some scientific information that no human being could have possessed in the seventh century, such as the different stages a human embryo goes through during pregnancy, the formation of mountains, or the outcome of future battles? How could Muhammad gather such information except through revelation by the Creator who knows all? The Qur’an disapproves of some of the Prophet’s own actions. It includes some remonstration with the Prophet for the way he treated some Muslims, or how he dealt with his wives on certain occasions, or the way he interacted with certain relatives of his, or during a battle. Had the Qur’an been written by Muhammad, would he have included such reproach aimed at him personally? Billions of people lived on earth in the past fourteen centuries; yet none of them was able to take up the challenge stated in the Qur’an and produce a single verse that is akin to it. The challenge remains open and all are invited to try. The Qur’an also [...] ...